Treasure Hunt
Treasure Hunt Ideas:
Have children decorate a treasure chest. Use donated broken costume jewelry, or buy sequins and “jewels” at a craft store. Invite children to glue these on a box with a lid. A candy box or a large shoe box makes a sturdy base. Put a “treasure” inside, and hide the treasure box outside every day for children to find. The treasure provides a clue to the day’s special outdoor activity. A favorite book (related to the hidden object) is used for story time under a shady tree. A small shovel and bucket lead children to new items in the sandbox. Fill the treasure chest with bubble blowers for children to use as they blow and chase bubbles outside.
A jar of colorful applesauce makes a spread for toast you serve from a picnic basket.
Recipe for colorful applesauce:
Add food coloring to applesauce to make it more interesting. You may also want to blend strawberries with the applesauce for a nice pink treat!